Published September 25, 2023

Why Embrace Web3?


The digital world is always changing. Remember when Facebook and Twitter defined our online interactions? That was Web2. Now, we're seeing the emergence of Web3, bringing a transformative wave with it.

But what exactly is Web3? And why should businesses already thriving on Web2 platforms consider shifting? Let's dive deeper.

Web3: A New Era of Decentralised Web

Traditional services like Google and Amazon store and own your data. With Web3, you own your data. Plus, blockchain records all your activities.

True Data Ownership

Users own and control their data, eliminating reliance on big corporations. This offers a transparent and fair digital ecosystem.

Decentralised Monetisation

Web3 allows creators to get paid by their followers using crypto and tokens. Imagine a streamer getting tips and payments, without the platform taking a cut.


In Web3, DApps can communicate with each other and share features. This improves the user experience and connects different platforms.

Enhanced Security

Blockchain's immutable nature ensures data security and reduces the risk of breaches.

Innovative Business Models

Web3 offers new ways to make money, like using tokens, DAOs, and NFTs. Imagine selling an item and earning from it every time it gets resold.

Web2 to Web3: Practical Steps and Examples

Decentralised Data Storage

Facebook and similar Web2 platforms could switch to decentralised storage instead of using centralised servers. This ensures users have full control and access to their data anytime, anywhere.

Token-based Reward Systems

Consider a platform like Medium. Writers could earn tokens instead of getting paid based on claps. They can trade these tokens on exchanges or use them for premium services within the platform.

Decentralised Identity Verification

E-commerce websites, like Amazon, could adopt decentralised identity solutions. Users could confirm their identity without giving the platform sensitive data. Resulting in increased trust and security.

Implement Smart Contracts

Airbnb could use smart contracts to handle booking agreements. When someone books, a smart contract holds the funds in escrow. After a dispute-free stay, the host gets the payment sent to their wallet immediately and automatically.

Adopt NFTs for Unique Assets

An art site like DeviantArt could let artists turn their work into NFTs. This shows the art is genuine and lets artists sell to followers whilst earning money on subsequent re-sells.

Peer-to-Peer Transactions

Sites like eBay could use cryptocurrencies for direct payments between users. This cuts out middlemen and lowers fees.

Embracing Web3 ideas can boost trust and bring fresh business opportunities. In the digital age, making these changes isn't just useful, it's vital to staying current.

The Journey Ahead

Though challenges persist, the horizon is promising. If you're a Web2 project, consider these strategies:

Education: Understand the ethos of Web3 and blockchain. Investing in learning now can yield significant dividends later.

Collaboration: Partner with established Web3 projects or platforms. This can ease the transition and mitigate risks.

Community Engagement: Much like DeFi, Web3 is community-centric. Engage your user base in the transition journey, garner feedback, and adapt.

Pilot Programs: Test the waters - launch a beta version of a new app.

Stay Updated: Keep pace like businesses keep track of industry news and market shifts.

The Dawn of Decentralisation

Web3 isn't a tech upgrade. Email changed how we communicate after letters, Web3 will change how we use the internet. Trying Web3 can be a rewarding move, even if the old ways feel comfortable.

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